
Trash Talk Project is a local Nonprofit, all Volunteer led and run! Please consider donating your time to help educate King County on correct waste sorting

Apply for one of our Volunteer Positions or just sign up below for whatever fits your schedule!

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp

Volunteer Positions

Want to be more involved in Trash Talk Project? Check out our Volunteer Positions who assist in planning, setup, and execution of events plus the opportunity to take a leadership role in our organization! More information about our positions of Interns, Co-Chairs, and Booth Managers can be found here.

Apply for a position here! Additional questions can be answered by emailing info@trashtalkprojectwa.com or through our Contact Us Page.

Booth Pre-Training

Assist in tabling at a Trash Talk Project booth! At our booths we offer waste sorting education to all residents of King County with information specific to each city. We also play a waste sorting game at each booth that allows us to get folks excited with prizes and the opportunity to correct previous misconceptions. Upon signup, please look over this brief training slideshow reviewing the solid waste system in King County.

Trash Talk Project